Our Integrated Report is designed to report on how our resources contribute through our retail value creation model to deliver our vision to make sustainable living easy and affordable for everyone. These are demonstrated through the six capitals shown below and detailed in this report.

This is The Warehouse Group’s fifth Integrated Report and aims to:

  • Provide quality information to all stakeholders;
  • Promote a holistic, cohesive and efficient approach to corporate reporting;
  • Enhance accountability and stewardship for the application and use of inputs in the business to deliver retail value; and
  • Support integrated thinking, decision-makingand actions that focus on the creation of value over the short, medium and long term.

At the centre of our Integrated Reporting is the retail value creation model. This attempts to explain how the macro and internal inputs into the business (Capitals) are used through our strategy and business activities to deliver performance outcomes in FY23.

Refer to the following pages for further details on each of these capitals.

This is the third year we have also reported under the Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) framework. Refer to our Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) framework page further information on the GRI reporting framework and The Warehouse Group’s material topics, and pages 110 to 113 for the GRI content index.

The Group’s Board and Management have established internal preparation and quality control processes to ensure the quality and integrity of this report. While we have not sought external audit or assurance for the non-financial information contained throughout this Integrated Report,

we have received limited assurance on selected standards of the Group’s GRI disclosures as well as our carbon emissions and energy consumption which are audited by Toitū Envirocare.

FY 22 Outputs